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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Fine Art of Deception, starring Roger Claar

Do we want our elected officials to use deceptive practices on the residents?  No, we want honesty and humbleness in the elected officials that make the choices for the residents.  Yet, in Bolingbrook, Mr. Mayor Claar is the epitome of deception and dishonesty.  Here is why...

When you watch the meetings that happen bi-weekly on Channel 6, you notice a few things.  First, they pass bills without explaining the real reason why they are doing so.  For example, passing a bill last week to make it ILLEGAL to gather your own water and drink it, removed the human right of survival.  Nowhere did they justify WHY they would take away your rights to have a well in your own yard.  The real reason is more money in their deals and pockets.

These kind of deals happen bi-weekly, where they pass items that benefit themselves over the best interest of the residents.  They use deceptive practices to ensure the residents do not know why they do what they do. 

It is apparent during election seasons how far they will go to be deceptive and dishonest.  Last year when Bonnie Alicea ran for Mayor, they knocked her off the ballot using deceptive practices.  They said her signatures were not valid in an objection and when she proved they were valid, they changed the names they were objecting to.  This year, when she ran for office they said she was not a resident during September through March, when she proved she was, they removed her for July and August, even though they knew she was a resident.  It is all deception and dishonesty.

Think about a time when Mr. Claar has publicly stated that they are not using companies that donate to his campaign fund.  You cannot remember when he has stated it, because he never has.  Think about a time that the other elected officials promised anything in a campaign promise, for making Bolingbrook better.  You cannot come up with one because they do not run on a platform or any campaign promise.  Think about why all the local bars have to contribute to Mr. Claar's campaign funds.  He is the local liquor commissioner and can shut them down.

High acts of dishonesty through deceptive practices are common in Bolingbrook.  We urge the residents to look deeper into WHY they do what they do and why our attorneys fees are a million dollars, almost double the city of Chicago's.  Question why the residents do not know of the over $400 million in debt we have, which is the largest per capita of ALL cities and villages in Illinois.  Question why we cut village services while donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to private organizations that are loaded with public officials. 

Don't just sit there and do nothing.  Research, read, and learn to uncover the truth.

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