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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

DuPage Republican Party In Chaos

The local Republican Party, ran by Du Page Township Supervisor Bill Mayer has lost most of it's upper level Republicans through death or retirement/ aging issues.  Recruiting to local Republican (strong Tea Party) affiliated individuals are becoming harder and harder.  This location is finding it especially hard to recruit new or better talent because of the issues going on in Congress, Senate, and even locally with corruption, and local officials calling themselves Republican but spending like Socialists. 

While the numbers are dwindling, the masses are flocking to the Will County Independent Party.  The cause they hosed last week was called the "take back your local Government" campaign. 

I attended this event as "press for the BR" and interviewed a few people.  Surprisingly, a few were local Republican's turned Independent due to the local corruption of the Republican Party.  They do not feel they believe in the same values.  For example, a gentleman named Don stated, "I am a real Republican who believes in spending cuts.  Locally the Republicans do not do this so I cannot support them.  I support the Independent Party because they believe in less government, less spending, and more for the people."  Although the party believes in many different issues, this is why Don has chosen to register with this committee.  He believes Nationally he is a Republican, but locally he is a strong Independent. 

I saw many local public names and faces at this event.  Others were here just to see who runs the show, what the platforms are, and what the "take back your local government" is all about.  One lady, Mary, stated that she was sick of the local politicians not listening to the people they "rule" over.  At the age of 31, she has already decided she did not like the pompous attitudes of the local boards and felt that she was not getting the services in the community that she should.  She does not trust the government and feels that it is time for a transition.  She is thinking about running for an office.  The booth's set up were supplied with very informative.  I got to meet Bonnie, George, and many others with the BR, as well as many residents.

Overall, there was approximately 200 people at the event.  The registration table was always busy and the guest speakers were very powerful.  The issues were heartfelt, real, and very moving.  There were young college students there and even retirees. 

I would hate to be in the Republican Party knowing that the future will be turned over to the Independent voices of the community soon.  Had the Republican Party hosted a get-together right now, I believe they might have under 20 show up.  It is a sad day when the inner workings of a political party are shattering. 


  1. Where and when was this event held? I can't find anything called "take back your local Government". When is the next one scheduled?

  2. Out with Kavanagh, Claar, and all so called "Republican" leaders who are really more Communist than anything else. Time for a total change from the lame Democratic/Republican paradigm. We need Independents who actual represent the PEOPLE and not special interest groups.


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