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Welcome to the Bolingbrook Report. The BR has been operating as the local hottest news source since April 2009. Always controversial, and always on the scene, the Brook Report has over 80,000 hits and counting! The BR is an online electronic news source ran by volunteers and residents of Bolingbrook.

Friday, October 28, 2011

This weekend we are polling!

This weekend a team of us will be walking door to door with a new poll.  We are one year out from when campaigners start to run of r local office.  This poll is for the residents to voice their opinion on what issues they are hoping candidates will be addressing.

1.  Are you concerned about the following:
     Lack of profits from the golf course, airport, or Americana Estates?
     Do you feel that the decision to build these, without a referendum, was right?
     Are you looking for a candidate that has solutions to profiting these ventures without using tax payer money?

2.  Do you believe that the Mayor position should pay with perks in excess of $250K per year?
     Do you think this position should be divided among a part time Mayor, liquor commissioner, and village manager instead to avoid corruption?
     Do you think the Mayor shoudl reject any donation from failing local businesses, so that they can stay open?
     Do you think that the Mayor should reject any donation that comes in during a bidding process from a company involved in the bidding?
     Do you think the Village Attorney position should be open for bidding?
     Do you agree with paying over a million a year for the attorney?

3.  How comfortable are you with the best bid gets the job in Bolingbrook? 
     Would you change the policy and how?
     Does taking campaign donations from bidders hurt your trust in the administration?
     Should the Mayor and trustees, Township, Library, and Schools announce the conflict of interest during board meetings?

4.  How comfortable are you with the Village and Township donating your tax money to private pet charities?
     Would you wish to see them pass an ordinance to stop this spending?
     How do you feel that pet charities get free rent at the taxpayer funded Bolingbrook community center?
     How do you feel that for profits, like the Chamber, get free rent at the community center?
     How do you feel about H20, (Mr. Claar's daughter and wife's organization) getting free rent at the community center and free events at the golf club, plus free advertising from the village?
     How do you feel about the library trying to donate to the pet charities with your tax money?
     How do you feel about the Township giving free rent to CSC (The Village Clerk's organization), plus both the Township and the Village donating money to that organization with your tax money?

5.  How do you feel about the amount of bond debt that the Village has?
     Do you feel that the $300 Mil debt can be paid off without raising taxes again?
     Do you think taking over the water services will add more debt to the pile?
     Do you think you will save money with the new water service?  If so, where did you hear this from?
     Do you feel your property values are overpriced, therefore your taxes are high?
6.  Do you feel the schools are doing their job properly educating the children?
     Do you feel that the residents pay too much for administrators and not enough on teachers and students?
     Do you think the pensions are problems for all government entities?
     Do you think the school board listens to residents complaints and handles them effectively?
     Do you think the Village board listens to residents complaints and handles them effectively?
     Do you think the Township listens to complaints?  Library?
     Do you think all governmental entities abide by the FOIA laws and are transparent?

7.  Do you feel your community is safe?
     Do you feel there is enough police on the streets?
     Do you feel the response time for emergencies are efficient?
     Do you feel that Police make reports when called?  Do they follow up with victims and ensure they are working on their case?  Or do you feel like after the Police leave your home, nothing gets done?
     Do you think the code enforcement department needs to be updated, changed, and regulated?
8.  What is the largest issue you wish to see addressed in the next election?  What qualities are you looking for in a candidate for Mayor, Trustee, Township, Library, School Board, etc?

Share your answers!


  1. This polling is wonderful. I hope you come to my house. I'm hoping for changes in Bolingbrook government at all levels. You have outlined some of the most important issues.

  2. Here's not a poll, but a stat for Bolingbrook that's absolutely appalling:

    The NUMBER ONE predictor for someone to go disappearing or dead in Bolingbrook is to be MARRIED to a Bolingbrook police officer. YES! Statistically being married to a Bolingbrook police officer is the greatest predictor of untimely death or disappearance in Bolingbrook. No wonder people feel unsafe in Bolingbrook and are leaving and even abandoning unsellable homes, depressing house prices even further.

    Makes one wonder how many battered wives call Bolingbrook 911 only to get ignored or ridiculed by those answering their call pleading for help. Savio and Stacy called Bolingbrook 911 dozens of time and they're dead or missing. Yikes! Appalling that these people don't take their jobs seriously and people die as a result.

  3. Seems to me that you forgot about Rachel Mellon. She's been missing for over 15 years!

  4. where were you - no one came to my house in Whispering Oaks.

  5. "Drew Peterson, the former Bolingbrook cop with his own missing woman, confirmed he played a role in the renewed investigation of Rachel’s disappearance in 2000. He would not go into specifics about his work on her case, other than to say he was involved."

    Very valid point--Bolingbrook police like to have the perps participate in investigating/covering up their own crimes.

  6. Statistician, It sounds like you are accusing Drew Peterson of being involved with the disappearance of Rachel. Can you please go into more specifics?


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