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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Poll on the Patch

 A recent poll was run by the Bolingbrook Patch.  Despite the fact that they cater to elected officials and the families of, the poll suggested that a majority of residents are DISSATISFIED with local government officials.  How can a local online new source, that caters to this population, print and show that people are dissatisfied?  Are they NOT afraid of losing their entire fan base?

The reality is that we have run similar polls, with an overwhelming majority not liking the way things are being run.  But do these two polls matter?  Will the elected officials change their ways?  We doubt it.

The truth is, the current elected officials do not know anyone outside their selected circle of friends.  The same friends that tell them that what they are doing is right.  The same friends that are too afraid to tell them that what they are doing is WRONG.  When residents step up to complain, they are called names, instead of being heard.  This leads us to conclude that they are incapable of self insight, change, or even morals.

Their actions speak the same.  Where is the little angel on the shoulder telling them what they are doing is wrong for the greater good?  Where did that little guy go?  It left a long time ago.

Next election, when you see that the current trustees have NO campaign promises, no ability to state they are or will change something the residents don't like, or even promise to stop spending like lushes, then don't vote for them.  It is really that simple.  Don't be a pigeon and believe their lies when they slam the opponents.  Don't be blind to the fact that a rubber stamp board for 20 years is a good thing.  Don't for one minute think they care about you.  Open your eyes and realize that they have done NOTHING for you personally other than raise your taxes, offer less safety, and reduce the education levels for the children.  It is just that simple.


  1. I agree. They have not changed in the last 3 years, and they believe because they were barely elected, that that spoke for the residents. It didn't.

  2. What I found even more interesting is that the patch did not run a follow up news story on the results.

    Maybe its true that the patch editor sits on the mayors knee and the mayor has his hand up his back and try's not to move his lips when the editor talks.

  3. "the patch editor sits on the mayors knee and the mayor has his hand up his back and try's not to move his lips when the editor talks"
    That explains it! Now Feldt's parroting Roger makes sense.


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