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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hot Head Trustee Ricky Morales Loses It--Again

At the Feb. 22 Village Board Meeting, Trustee Candidate Bob Bowen spoke during questions from the public time and asked the Trustees once again why they have put Bolingbrook residents $500 Million in debt, making Bolingbrook's debt per person higher than any other Village or City in Illinois.
Completely ignoring Bob's question, Trustee Ricky Morales' response was that he went to a lot of dinners/events with Roger Claar last weekend so that makes him a good Trustee.  Huh?  Never mind that he rubber stamped Bolingbrook into a half a billion dollars in red ink, Ricky thinks he's a great Trustee because he pals around with Roger. 

While completely in his own little world and out of touch with reality and the needs and wants of the residents, Ricky's attitude is not unique among Roger's incumbent Trustees who seem to think bankrupting Bolingbrook and slashing services for the residents is just fine--as long as they pal around with Roger that makes they're irresponsible and reckless rubber stamp voting OK. (Remember, he is the one that asked WHY we needed a plan to pay off the debt and had no idea if there was one.  Would you vote approving over $400 Million in debt and not have a game plan of paying it off?)

Ricky also went on to say "We [incumbent Trustees] are honest we are true."  Why would Ricky feel the need to say this--because NO thinking resident believes this.  This is the same "honest" "true" Ricky who said a resident was lying because he asked Ricky to stop spending $100 of our tax money a shot on expensive meals in Springfield.  It turns out the resident was completely correct and we published the invoices and receipts for Ricky's lavish Springfield meals on our tax dollars in this now famous article on Ricky "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" (all proving docs posted on http://bolingbrookreport.com/localpolitics/watchdoginformation.html and scroll down to Ricky).
It was just last year that Ricky flipped out at Bonnie Alicea during a board meeting when she asked if the Village annual financials and bills could be posted online for busy residents to view.  He asked, "are you going to come to EVERY meeting?" In which Bonnie responded, "If it means fighting for transparency, yes".  Since that temper tantrum, the Village now posts the financials on their web site!

Just say NO to self-serving incumbent Trustees like Ricky on April 5.  Put him out to pasture and vote in citizens like Bob Bowen who aren't afraid to stand up and represent the interests of the residents who pay the taxes. More on Ricky coming next week... If this did not shock you, the next article is sure to make you call all your Bolingbrook friends!

1 comment:

  1. This trustee Morales is a snake. I have seen him business dealings...


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