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Thursday, May 19, 2011

A beginning look into the 2011-2012 budget items: Expenses part 1

A general synopsis before we break it down... 

Executive Overview from the BR

CSC is still gaining $32K per year as a non-for profit on tax payers dime.  We wonder if Carol Penning, chairman of CSC and Village trustee thinks this is a conflict of interest?

Executive salaries have risen approx. $21K this year from $126K to $147 K.

Public Works administration salaries have risen while the maintenance has been cut from $385K last year to $358 this year. 

Public Works has added a new fee under consulting with a cost of $35K.  We wonder what this is for?

The IT department has taken the biggest increase, from $22K in 2009-2010 to $321,300 budgeted this coming year.  Was there a referendum on this?

Police seem to be holding steady in most departments, with an increase in the emergency commissions from $673K to $798K in one year.  They also log in consulting services amounting to $114K per year.

Some shifts for Police include Investigations administration from $223K last year to $339K this year, which increases all the insurance amounts drastically.  Officers in this are are moving from $1,016,108 to $1,151,888 and support to $101,717 to $160,317

Professional Standards salaries for Administration moved from $102K to $220K, while crime prevention lost from $128K to $87K.  We found this to be an odd place to cut.  It appears we are more reactive with fees then proactive...

The commissions are making good this year with the fine arts moving from $19k per year to $42K.  The Police and fire moved from $1800 to $3450. 

Fireman are making out great this year so far with admin up $29K, fireman from $821K last year to $935K this year.  Lieutenants are the top winners of all with moving from $1.2 Mil to $1.4 Mil and $21K more in overtime.

Overall it would appear we are beefing up staff in public works seasonal, maintenance, fire, police, electrical and reclamation this year.


  1. We hear you report a lot about Americana Estates, the golf course and the airport but have you done an investigation as to how much Beaconridge is costing the residents of Bolingbrook? According to the budget posted online, Beaconridge cost the taxpayers almost a half a MILLION dollars in the last 3 years!

  2. You have no idea on how to read a budget. Just because there are increases in some areas,it doesn't mean that "anybody" is making out. There are increases due to the union contract negotiations, for instance. Some departments might be increasing the budgeted items due to new equipment purchases.

    My God, please learn how to read a budget proposal and think before you post your nonsense!

  3. Doesn't it mean peope are making out? Do the top dogs in the Police Department NOT make more then the average wages? Do they not have great perks? It is clearly going under "salaries" according to the budgets. You went from getting people cut to getting them big raises. What else would we want to report on?


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