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Monday, May 16, 2011

Why the Chamber is Losing Money...

The Chamber of Commerce is suppose to be an organization dedicated to helping businesses in Bolingbrook grow and prosper. 

We conducted a poll this weekend with 20 local businesses that are registered to the Chamber as members for at least 5 years.
This is what we found.

Of the 20 business owners interviewed, a whopping 16 of them claimed "they are only a member of the Chamber because of political pressures". Of those 16, all 16 marked "the Chamber has not been beneficial to me or my company". 

The four other companies all marked "the Chamber has been beneficial is social networking with local Politicians" but did not mark "the Chamber has been beneficial in helping my business grow and prosper". 

So why would these 20 businesses pay the high fees?  We started asking them and some have expresses that local politicians have either confronted them at one point in time about the membership or have sent letters. 

Since the Mayor is also the liquor and tobacco commissioner, those local businesses that have any of these items are automatically  pressured into many Bolingbrook expenses, including Chamber memberships, attending cost events, and even fundraisers and campaign dollars.  Some feel that if not a part of the Chamber, their annual business license can be with held, and that Roger himself asks for them to come in to get their license and talk to them personally, if a Chamberr membership is not paid for

So how does having to pay not-needed fees helping our local businesses stay open in a recession?  That is exactly what they all expressed.  Not only does the Chamber profit on events, charging members more then needed, they donate the proceeds to H20, Roger's daughter and wife's charity.

For example, it was alleged on Friday that the State of the Village, run by the Chamber of Commerce charged $60 a ticket.  The actual price was $20.  The $40 extra paid by businesses and members was then donated to H20. 

If this is true, then this is robbery of local businesses to benefit the Mayor and Evans causes. 

If you are a business and want out, do not joint he Chamber this year.  20 other companies have stated that the Chamber does not help their company and it is a recession.  Keep your money in your own pockets!
Do not let the local politicians rob you blind for their own purposes.  Say no to charity donations, campaign donations, and event costs. 

Any current Chamber member that would like to start a new local Chamber chapter without local politicians, but with the intent on helping the local businesses, please email us at info@bolingbrookreport.com

1 comment:

  1. This is what happens when the person running the organization doesn't have any business or marketing background. How does a poli-sci major qualify at the age of 28 to run the local chamber of commerce?

    You get what you pay for, although the fees are high, the members are getting nothing.

    How about putting a business or marketing major in charge? What about an MBA (maybe retired) with experience that can help the members grow their businesses?

    How about someone who has had a REAL job? Not always gotten their employment through political connections?

    Just a suggestion.....


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