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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Shorewood, IL – Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger “commends” his party’s budget plan that would eliminate guaranteed benefits for seniors in the future.[i]

“Adam Kinzinger is supporting a plan that puts seniors health in the hands of private insurers who can raise premiums and deny treatment ordered by doctors,” said Tom Earls, Chairman of the Troy Township Democratic Party. “Senior citizens often live on a fixed income. If their premiums increase, that’s money directly out of their limited finances.”

Republican Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s “Pathway to Prosperity” overhaul’s Medicare, putting the future risk of health-care cost increases on to the shoulders of Medicare beneficiaries.

“As American’s we hold a responsibility to ensure a stable and healthy future for our seniors, and instead Adam Kinzinger wants to put their health care costs in limbo. This is the same economic bait and switch George W. Bush sought with Social Security – and we know how that would have turned out looking at the stock market crash we just lived through.”

[i] Congressman Kinzinger Commends House Republicans’ Fiscal Year 2012 Budget, April 5, 2011. http://kinzinger.house.gov/press-release/congressman-kinzinger-commends-house-republicans-fiscal-year-2012-budget
[ii] “We must take a path toward prosperity.” via Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/RepKinzinger/status/55271134219870208


  1. George Bush put forth a plan in which if you liked the current plan for social security you could keep it. If you wanted something where you would have some ownership..just like the congress and senate have ..you could choose such a plan. I don't see congress and senate squaking that they would rather have social security..do you know why? Because they have a better deal. They demonized George Bush yet he had the right idea.

  2. Kinzinger discusses social security and medicare with seniors in manteno: http://willcountynewspolitics.blogspot.com/2011/04/congressman-adam-kinzinger-speaks-with.html


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