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Monday, April 4, 2011

Ricky Morales neighborhood watch for Trustee crime

We received this at 7:45am today from one of Ricky's neighbors who received the below as a flyer at her home.  Looks like we have a fan and an ethical and concerned neighbor!

Homeowners BEWARE!
Ricardo (Ricky) Morales lives in your neighborhood.  He is a current Trustee up for re-election this Tuesday, tomorrow.  However, you need to know some facts about your neighbor at
159 Cider Street.
1.      Ricky was just caught in a police report on Apple Valley last week for verbally accosting two people and for stealing signs from yards on Apple Valley Rd. and Cider  (See below)
           2.      It has been alleged that he has been sitting as a Trustee to gain special favors with our  
            tax dollars. 
3.      He has rubber stamped ALL bills put before him as a Trustee and publicly stated that there was no reason to have a plan to pay back the $200+ million dollars of debt he voted to burden us with.
4.      He lost his cool multiple times over the year publicly, and even verbally attacked a woman who attended a meeting to ask for more transparency, demanding to know if she would come to every meeting. 
5.      When confronted about the lavish dinner expenses he racks up on our tax dollars as a Trustee, he denied it and called the resident a liar.  The resident then produced the Village documents to prove Ricky asks for and gets reimbursed by our tax dollars for meals at $50-$100 per meal.
6.      Not once has this man apologized to anyone.  Not once has he admitted his mistakes.  Not once has he sought psychological counseling for his immense explosive anger and temper and psychotic outbursts. 
Be leery of this man in your neighborhood.  If you think there is a problem with him destroying your signs, verbally attacking  you, or forcing you to vote for him, please contact the State’s Attorney’s Office ASAP.  Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Sticky Finger Ricky ran across the right people because if it was a family member of mine, he would forever regret it. They are all bullies. If you stand up to them they back down.


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