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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bolingbrook Chamber of Commerce Involved in Illegal Activity?

According to the Bolingbrook Chamber of Commerce bylaws, Section 1 General provisions it states:

4.  The Chamber shall observe all local, state, and federal laws which apply to a non-profit organization as defined in section 501 C 6 of the IRS code. 

However, when we review the IL Attorney General's web site under Building Better Charities, the Chamber of Bolingbrook did not register their non-profit, nor submit their financial statements in accordance with law.
http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/charities/index.html They are simply NOT registered and have not registered for years!

Therefore, they are not submitting whom they pay salaries, whom is donating the money, or how the money is being spent.

The reason we looked into this is because we received a hot tip alleging $1,000 dinners elected officials have been taken lately with possible Chamber funds.  We were informed that Mike Evans, School Board member and Chamber Director spends "an enormous amount of money" on trips for his family, others, and lavish dinners and drinking.  This scoop states that "his trips are paid for by the Chamber, Mike and his wife and other Chamber members like the Mayer's, McCadds, Kustas and a lot of other members and their wives go out to local restaurants on a weekly basis and the bill will come from 800 to 1000 dollars each time."

So why does the Village and Schools, Libraries and Park Districts donate our tax dollars to the Chamber?  Well I think you have your answer...


  1. The Bolingbrook Chamber of Commerce is not a charity so why would you expect them to register with the state as one?


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