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Monday, April 4, 2011

Last update before elections! Claar explodes to protect donations to pet projects!

Mr. Roger Claar snapped this weekend at the Village budget workshop on Saturdday.  Concerned residents voiced their opinions about the donations to pet charities and the incumbent Trustees cutting services.

Roger exploded and made it clear in his tirade, face red with anger, that DESPITE what residents want, he will STILL give pet charities a ton of our tax money.  Then he lied and said they only gave CSC half of what the Village financials state they gave.

So if the financials are wrong, where did the other money go?  That is a missing over $30K!   Whose responsible for the Village financial accounting.  Is no one accountable for how the money is spent?

These clowns don't care what they do with your money.  Roger knows that Rick Morales, Pat Schanks, and Leroy Brown will rubber stamp approve it, as they always do.  Time to take a stand and take your Village back from these pocket padding money trolls.

Vote for other candidates tomorrow and ensure your dollars are being well spent.  When they lose, we hope that they will finally open their eyes and see that they are suppose to LISTEN to the residents requests and not spend the money as if it is their own to do so.  Maybe they will finally see how much wrong and financial and image damage they have done to our village.

But we think that is too optimistic of a thought for them to have. Greed takes over the wicked and they can no longer hold morals.


  1. As long as voters sit their asses at home and not vote, these clowns will continue to be re-elected every time. VOTE

  2. This man has absolutely No Moral Compass. He is a dinosaur at least 16 years past his sell by date. Please, we need term limits for all Politicians.


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