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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Village Trustee Race Rounding Final Corner! On to the Finish Line!

Approaching the Finish Line...

Tricky Ricky is still on the ground in the second stretch.  He has not built up the trust of the residents when he claimed he did not steal the signs.  We don't see him finishing anything but last in this race.

Ken Cygan, who tripped over Ricky the same day and took donations from Unions to support his campaign, is hobbling on one broken leg towards the finish line.

Pat Shanks, who has been invisible this election is running on the grass, instead of the dirt, hoping to find her way through.  At least she is still ahead of Tricky and Cygan.

Cozy Nash is whipping his horse non stop and is spending money, but the support is lacking.  This is like the old horse that races in every race and holds steady in the middle.  Every time a whip is thrown, one part speeds up while another slows down.  This horse just cannot seem to get ahead.  He sends out postcards, but it lacks information.  He puts up signs, but nobody knows who he is.  He puts fliers on doors, but it lacks info.  Whip, slow, whip, slow... 

Leroy Brown has taken a lot of heat in this election and his team mate tricky Ricky has brought his counts down.  The recent allegations of campaign dollars from the high paid attorney is showing those that like Leroy, that his job is not to be liked but to be responsible.  He will be losing many of his typical voters this year because of this.  He can no longer count on his group of people to vote in his favor.  He has also lost a great deal of support because of taking two salaries from tax payers, while one was jacked up $30G in four years time.  His involvement with dirty Mark Crawley's tactics, and getting a political friend a job, has hurt his image as well.  These are big issues this year for tax payers.  He is in the race, but no longer a front runner.  He is falling back more and more each time we write a story of dirty political games like surrounding signs, throwing fliers on the ground of opponents, and stealing signs.  Leroy is in the position to stop this dirty political game and has not done so, thus encouraging and standing behind it.  As a reminder, he also broke Bonnie's constitutional rights last year running for office.  His nice man image has shattered in a million glass pieces.

Joe Napionello is holding pace with Cozy Nash, but he is a wild card.  He could slow up or speed up at any moment.  His signs are gorgeous, and his fliers are appealing.  He is likable.  He stands for something good.  But this is his first election and as a philly could pick up speed or slow down.  This last stretch could put him in first or fifth, it is yet to be determined.

Rhonda Reed Slaughter is the turtle and Bob Bowen is the hare. Slow and steady Rhonda could win this race.  She has spent two years gaining serious followers.  She talks numbers and numbers don't lie.  She came out strong at the gate and has not lost one iota of speed.  It is amazing to say that she is not slowing down.  She started walking for signatures and has been walking ever since.  Her goal seems simple.  Educate the public and get in office to make changes.  Simple enough! 

Bob, the hare that came out strong, has also been in the race for two years.  His tactic is loud and proud and is opposite Rhonda's.  Rhonda steals the heart of many women with her laid back tactics, while Bob is a sure hit with men.  He makes his information known by attending meetings and holding the trustees and Mayor accountable.  They are both fiscally conservative, which Bolingbrook needs now. They are also both independent, meaning they do not have to vote for a party's favor, but only for the best interest of the residents they serve. They are neck to neck in this race and are both fighting to finish first.  They each devote time every day to walk door to door, fix signs, and talk to residents.  This will be an interesting race.  I don't think I could pick a sure bet for first just yet...

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