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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Disturbing news about VVSD school board candidate Robert Leach

Part two of the Devon Hodges story... (see below)  We received this from a resident...

"There is a man that is trying for  a spot on the Board by the name of Robert Leach. People need to know of his part in this mess and that someone like him does not deserve to be on any Board. Mr. Leach was heavily involved in the stalking of Devon with the Romeoville coach." from a resident.
When we did some research into this problem, this is what we found...
  • Leach deals with The Bugle Newspaper and the Rooster's Nest.
  • He has followed Devon and his father while they were driving to a gas station where he approached Devon, which ended in a verbal altercation between Leach and Devon's father. The Romeoville Coach also came up to the gas station as well behind Mr. Leach. When Mr. Leach followed them, he was covered in dirt which made them wonder if he had been snooping around on their property trying to catch Devon at the house. This is called severe stalking.
  • He put out an article on line that said that Devon was spotted at the house by someone playing golf who worked at Romeoville. (his backyard is off of the golf course) He said that the information had been leaked from an unknown source and that they had re-enrolled Devon back into Romeoville which was fraudulent.
  • He also talked about Devon's loyalty or lack there of. 
  • Also, the basketball game between Romeoville and Bolingbrook back in the 2009-2010 season that Mr. Leach commentated. This was Devon's junior year at Bolingbrook. While commentating Mr. Leach acted very unprofessional and childish when making mention of Devon during the game.
  • There is no secret that he is a die hard Romeoville fan since his child goes there. However, he had a level of professionalism to still uphold and he didn't do it.
  • Devons mom states, "I don't feel that someone like him should represent this school district. The children deserve better and people have the right to not have to worry about dirty pool and politics. Mr. Leach is just like the rest of them in there now, he's no better."
The bottom line is that anyone that would stalk a CHILD, verbally attack him at a gas station, bash him on a microphone during a game, and write false articles about him, obviously should not have the entire school body at his disposal.  Being on the school board would give him access to ALL the kids.  What Mr. Leach does not realize is that this is a CHILD.  He is a CHILD until he turns 18.  Mr. Leach attacked a CHILD!  Now he wants his political clout to get him on the school board, voted in by the people?  As a parent of the kids in the school system, there is no way I will vote for someone like this to be around my kids.  Charges need to be pressed, retraining orders filed, and this needs to go to court. 

As always, we will keep following this tragedy...

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